Dein Vater Witze
Best Your father jokes. Download now. With practical Share feature.
Version: 1.3
Program available in: German
Program license: Free
Program by: Silent CoderZ
Dein Vater Witze is an Android app developed by Silent CoderZ (Hanbasi Mahallesi Namik Kemal Caddesi 10).
Dein Vater Witze first became available on 29 Dec 2012. It is estimated that Dein Vater Witze has been downloaded between 10000 and 50000 times from the Play Store.
Dein Vater Witze 1.3 requires the following permissions:
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Allows an application to write to external storage.

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